May 20, 2016


Unfortunately, due to lack of interest and manufacturing difficulties, we are forced to close down Tinface Toys. Orders made through our website have been refunded today. We would like to thank all our contributors, customers and friends who believed in Tinface Toys.

All the best!

November 8, 2015

A Sunday's Tale 1

Cleveland is one of a handful of super-enhanced mavericks called Tinface, originally of human descent. Planet Earth had been abandoned by mankind several centuries ago. The earthlings thereafter founded several colonies throughout the galaxy. Deployed from their duties, the Tinfaces led a life of misery among them, unstable minds and restless souls with almost unlimited powers.

The leaders of the colonies had therefore decided to deport the Tinfaces back to the old planet for a recon mission. But what they encountered there was far from being a deserted planet. As a matter of fact, the tattered celestial body had remained the habitat of various kinds of mutated creatures and had moreover become a safe harbor for many stranded voyagers seeking a life below the colonial radars.

Darkness had prevailed. A torn open earth was pumping black wads of smoke out of its wounds. At some hours of day, wasteland turned into glistening oases. The ultraviolet rays were able to wring some life out of a seemingly dreary vegetation. But after all, a rough clime would return. The planet had segregated into eternal seasons, and so had all creatures that populated a coarse and barren earth.

Ironically enough, the few of us that remained were the closest to our ancestors. They used to call us Tinfaces. A sworn brotherhood, unified unto death. Yet, death was not our enemy. Our enemy was our past. Many of us were using their superiority to protect the weak from the strong. Not as an act of humanity, though, but rather to save us the agony.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Cleveland. I bear a name, therefore I am. The craft was reported to touch ground at 1600 hours. I surveyed the site and waited, still. Soon after, I sensed a strange hissing from behind a patch of shrubs to my left. I clutched the handle of my machete with my right hand and drew it slowly.

The beast sprang right at me. Its venom dripping from enormous fangs, the skin light green and brown. For a split second, I made contact with its slit-shaped eyes. A look, both vivid and blank. The skull, as big as a bull’s, split right in the middle, parted to both sides of my blade. The blood it drew blurred my vision. I wiped my eyes with my empty hand, then hurled the cadaver back into the bushes. So much for the afternoon massacre.

My name is Cleveland. I bear a name, therefore I am. A dash of blood. It tastes like the past. Metallic and stale. I ripped out a bunch of jagged leaves and started cleaning my machete. The vessel arrived silently. Its dimensions so immense, it eclipsed the sun. I engaged my BOWFIRE-100 and ducked lower, blending in with the ground.

To be continued ...

November 1, 2015

Cleveland (1st Son) - Second batch available now!

Second batch sale available now in our shop and very soon at your favorite retailer. Both batches will start shipping early next year.

Thanks for your support!

September 27, 2015


After another round of minor tweaks and adjustments with our new manufacturer we are pleased to announce we have a final sample of the product that we feel is ready for production, though we still have a few steps left before shipment. We'd also like to announce that we will be moving onto the next phase (promotion for the retail release) to bolster sales and bring our product up to the manufacturing numbers needed by our new production partner. With our final product sample ready and strong communicating with the manufacturer, we should be ready for final shipping soon.

We'd like to take this time to thank our customers for their continued patience and support!

June 19, 2015


Dear Friends,

We know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from us. The reason is, we have been busy keeping our project going despite all the difficulties we’ve been facing over the past couple of months. As you all should know, we are not some big shot company who is trying to rip you off. On the contrary, we are just a little start-up enterprise, trying something new and different, a very small group of artists and collectibles enthusiasts – very much like yourselves!
But let’s start from the beginning: In 2012, we left our drawing boards to find a manufacturer for our 1/6 scale figures. After a long process of careful evaluation and based on references from one of the biggest US players in the collectibles business, we signed a Chinese company who would assure a high level of quality.
Despite communicational problems, we thereafter maintained a close collaboration and were committed to reach our goal together. Yet along the way, we noticed flaws in our Chinese partner’s understanding for 1/6 scale multimedia figures. We could have pulled the trigger for production in December, but the samples we received did not nearly meet our standards of quality. Frankly, after several revisions, what they had produced was pretty much all crap.
To cut a long story short, we were totally disappointed along the line and we’re no longer willing to make any more compromises. Thankfully, we have found a new competent manufacturer and are ready to kick things off again! Unfortunately, to be able to secure a working relationship with them we need to increase our production order, with a retail version being released through their sales network. This will allow us to proceed with our endevours, because our website alone will not be enough to maintain a sufficient volume of sales in order to remain viable at this time.

One last thing for our pre-sale customers: We are well aware, that this move will increase the delay of the shipment of your pre-ordered „Cleveland – 1st Son“ purchase. We will of course reward you for your trust and patience by providing you with the first series of figures and some surprise added value. We will address you personally at the appropriate time in this matter.

Thank you for your patience and support!

December 6, 2014

A note from Tinfacetoys:

RE: production.

We here at Tinfacetoys are knee deep into the production process for Cleveland, our first 1:6 figure. As with and new toy design there is a learning curve between manufacturing and design. We regret that the process has been more time intensive that we had originally scheduled, but we are striving to create a work of art that is fit for our many supporters.

We wanted to give you this update along with some pics of the final decals to show the process we are in at the moment and mention that we hope to have everything out soon. While we tried to make it happen before the end of the year, unfortunately the manufacturing schedule, coupled with a few problems in production have forced us to move the scheduled date until after the holidays. This also applies to the Cleveland variants, which by the way will be sold pre-made and shipped out right after sale. And last but not least, the reveal of our next character Tenno, which will also have to wait a bit longer.

We would like to take this time and mention how important our customers are to us and thank them for their loyalty, we hope that your truly enjoy this new universe as much as we enjoy working on its creation.